Cryptocurrencies have undeniably become a force to be reckoned with in today’s financial markets. The tide started with Bitcoin in 2009 and it has picked up pace over the years. Today, there are more than 5,000 crypto coins that you will find in the market and more are under development. Millions of people have made some great returns from this space, so it is understandable that others are interested as well. If you want to dip your toes in the crypto sea, you first need to find a broker to help you. While some of the traditional ones out there have added crypto to their offerings, it is better to look for one that specializes in cryptocurrencies.
This will ensure that you are able to access the top-notch features and platforms that have been especially developed for trading these volatile digital assets. There are plenty of companies that focus solely on cryptocurrencies and Global CTB is one of them, which is offering its services to newbies and experts alike. However, you need to determine whether it can fulfill your needs or not. How can you do this? The easiest way is to consider its numerous features and then make up your mind:
The Trading Software
Always begin your assessment with the trading software you will get to use because it has the biggest impact on your trading journey. Global CTB has a web trading platform to offer to its clients, which it has developed on its own. Since they offer crypto trading, the company has incorporated the tools and features that are needed for trading these currencies easily. This software operates through a browser, so you can use it on the device of your choice, whether desktop, laptop or mobile devices. Navigation is straightforward and you can benefit from superior execution speeds. Tools like live charts, trading signals and indicators, price alerts, market news and technical and fundamental analysis are also available.
The Trading Products
What cryptocurrencies will you be able to trade? Finding the leading options is not difficult because every company will be offering those, but what about other options that are slowly picking up momentum? Global CTB gives you the opportunity to not just invest in the top cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin, but also explore other options like Bitcoin Cash, NEO, DASH, Monero and Ripple. This allows you to diversify your crypto investment and give your bottom line a boost.
The Trading Accounts
After you have looked into the investment options and the platform, it is time to move onto the accounts provided to you. This determines how much flexibility and room you get for making your trades. You will discover that Global CTB has put together six account choices, which are quite diverse and aimed at fulfilling the needs of traders of different levels. These options include Basic, Beginner, Medium, Advanced, Pro and VIP.
The minimum deposit requirement varies for each account, starting with $250 and going as high as $100,000. Likewise, the welcome bonus percentage also changes with each account option. As far as features are concerned, some of them are accessible in every account option, such as customer support, daily market review and access to the education center. But, there are some features like trading signals, invitations to events, analyst sessions and one-on-one training that can vary according to the account type.
The Customer Support
You never know when you may encounter a problem while trading, so having access to support is vital. Global CTB has added an FAQ section on their website where they answer basic questions. If you don’t find a solution, you can reach out to their support staff. There are different channels for doing so, such as sending in an email, giving them a call on the phone number provided, or using the live chat option on their website.
With these offerings, you can safely say there is no Global CTB scam and it is capable of fulfilling the needs of traders from all walks of life.